Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act (2010) is a law that was created to make sure that all people are treated fairly. This includes people who have a disability, and Deaf BSL users. The law tells companies how to make sure that their services are fair and equal for all people to use.
The law says that companies should make ‘reasonable’ adjustments for disabled people to be treated equally, for example, booking a BSL interpreter for Deaf customers.
It’s Chapter 2 which is Equality and Diversity, Outcomes 2.3 which states:
“you make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled clients, employees or managers are not placed at a substantial disadvantage compared to those who are not disabled, and you do not pass on the costs of these adjustments to these disabled clients, employees or managers;”
Employers must ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that deaf clients, employees or managers are not placed at a substantial disadvantage
The BSL Act 2022
The British Sign Language Act (2022) received Royal Assent on 28 April 2022.
It will help ensure all public services and information are accessible to Deaf people who use BSL.