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Continuing Professional Development



Sign Language Humour (2024)

Workshop, Gavin Lilley, Remark!


Intro to Musical Interpreting (2024)

Workshop, Performance Interpreting


Simultaneity and Dynamic Equivalence (2023)

Workshop, Stephen Elis-Menton, BSL Interpretations


Improving Voice Over using the Communication
Accommodation Theory (CAT) (2023)

Workshop, Stephen Elis-Menton, BSL Interpretations


Healthcare Interpreting: The Unique Challenges of Healthcare Interpreting - Language, Ethics & Role (2023)

VLP Webinar, Paul Belmonte


From what is wrong to what is strong; a different approach to thinking about professional development (2023)

Webinar: Darren Handscombe


Professional Supervision - Dipping Your Toe In The Water

VLP Webinar, Dr Jules Dickenson


Autism & Learning Disability in Deaf Adults with Dr Kevin Baker (2023)

Linguistpd Webinar


Telling the Story: Developing Advanced Skills in English Interpreting (2023)

LinguistPD, Clare Seal, Webinar


Media Interpreting with Dr Chris Stone (2023)

Webinar, VLP.


Performance Interpreting (A Foot in both Worlds) (2023)

Webinar LinguistPD: Sarah Gatford


Interpreting for Sexual Violence: Training Part 2 (2023)

VLP Workshop (remote) with Clare Chilton.


Interpreting for Sexual Violence: Training Part 1 (2023)

VLP Workshop (remote) with Clare Chilton.


Voiceover Part 1: Speaking and Listening (2022)

VLP Workshop, Dionne Thomas


International Sign Part 1 (2021)

Two day workshop, Gavin Lilley 


Visual Sign (2021)

Workshop, ASLI. Gavin Lilley 


Transgender Awareness (2021)

Workshop, Samantha Pearsall 


Voiceover, What Can We Learn from International Sign (2021)

Webinar (LinguistPD), Brett Best 


It's All About Race (2021)

Webinar, NUBLSI Equalities Action Group 


Autism in Deaf Children and Young People (2021)

COMIC, Conference


VLP Conference: Adapting Professions in an Accelerating World (2021)

Conference 2021, Visual Language Professionals


Just Signs Community Info Project Domestic Violence (2021)

Webinar, Heriott Watt University


Modern Day Slavery & Trafficking (2020)

Workshop, Jacki Pritchard 


Rapport Management for Interpreters (2020)

Webinar, Rachel Mapson, Yvonne Wadell, QMU


Visual Flair Part 1 BSL: Thinking Visually (2019)

Workshop, Clive Mason 


Visual Flair Part 2 Constructed Action and Construction Dialogue (2019)

Workshop, Clive Mason 


​Criminal Court Vocabulary (2019)
Workshop, Gloria Ogborn 


Family Court and Child Protection Vocabulary (2019)

Workshop, Gloria Ogborn 


Two Day Induction into Court Interpreting (2019)

Weekend Training, (Birmingham), Gloria Ogborn 


Interpreting Advanced Police Interviews (2019) 

Workshop, Zakon (Birmingham)


Police Interpreter Training (2018)

Workshop, Zakon, (Birmingham)


Introduction to Legal Interpreting (2018)

Workshop, Mike Unsworth


Health & Social Services (2018)

Webinar, (Terptree), Jackie Griffiths


Mental Health (2018)

Webinar, (Terptree), Esther Thomas


An Introduction of Interpreting within CAHMS (2017)

Workshop, Signs in Vision, Vicci Ackroyd and Tim Richardson 


An Introduction to Interpreter's Role Space (2017)

Webinar, (Terptree), Robert Lee and Peter Llewellyn-Jones 


Voiceover Practice Techniques, Working into English (2016)

Workshop, David Wolfenden

Mental Health interpreting for Adolescents and Children (2016)

Webinar, Rob Chalk & Iain CaseLinguistpd 


Is Interpreting your Achilles Heel? Medical Workshop (2016)
Workshop, Terptree, Jackie Griffiths & Kirsten McCarthy


Webinars (Box set) Mental health, Theatre and Arts, Online interpreting, TV, Leisure, Professional Services, Religious (2015)


Interpreting the Police Caution (2016)
DVD (2016)


Taster for Theatre Interpreting (2014)

Workshop, City Lit, Donna Ruane


Introduction to Mental Health (2014)

Workshop, Signs in Vision, Pauline Latchem


Moving Away from English in your BSL Production (2013)

Workshop, Kathy Yeoman, London


Ethical Dilemmas (2012)

Workshop, Signs In Vision


Watch Your Language Conference (2012)

For Interpreters, CSWs and Deaf professionals, City Lit


Watch Your Language Conference (2011)

For Interpreters, CSWs and Deaf professionals, City Lit 



NRCPD Registered Sign Language Interpreter

NRCPD Senior Practitioner


Post Graduate Certificate in Advancing Practice in Signed Languages (2024) 


BA (Hons) Deaf Studies, Communication Support & Education (First Class, Middlesex, City Lit 2011)


Diploma in BSL/English Interpreting,
NVQ Level 6 (Signs in Vision, 2012)


Certificate in British Sign Language, NVQ Level 6
(City Lit, 2011)




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Caroline Corrigan, Director, RSLI Limited, Company No 13192897, Registered Office 1C Amberside, Wood Lane, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 4TP

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